Sheets Don’t Work!

In theory a sign-in sheet would gather the names and reason of visit to enable employees offer faster and better customer service. The reality is that most of the sign-in papers are a mess.

  • It’s not always clear for the visitor what to put down there or how to word the reason of visit.
  • Handwriting is a challenge to read.
  • People get striked out all the time.
  • In the end of the week the managers have to spend hours just counting the scribbles in hopes to get some kind of statistics.

Every queue management system’s main goal should be to offer better customer service. This can be an old take-a-number system, a waiting list or a sign-in sheet of paper.

A sign-in sheet is typically used to record attendance, to get the name and reason of visit. Although most establishments would like that information it simply isn’t very efficient or fast.

Qminder Sign-in app on the iPad offers both the personal touch and efficiency.

But you don’t have to take our word for it. Click on the video and check out some other locations who are benefiting from Qminder:

Ditch your binder, grab an iPad and you can for your venue within minutes.


Business Intelligence Insights With Queue Management


Sprint boosts sales by creating a personal environment