Examples of Customer Service, As Shown on TV
Your mom probably said that watching too much TV is bad for you. Shows how much she knows! Turns out, movies are great for customer service inspiration.
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The Impact of Customer Experience on Word-of-Mouth Marketing
What is word-of-mouth marketing and how can investing in customer experience help improve it? In marketing, your best bet is on your own customers.
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Personalization in Healthcare
Is personalization in healthcare just a fad or is it a trend that is here to stay? The evidence suggests that you'd better start investing in it, and fast.
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ToastMe Visitor Management
Sometimes, the best use of technology is the most straightforward. See how ToastMe manages its visitors traffic thanks to Qminder queue management system.
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Examples of Great Customer Service in Retail
How else can you learn other than by learning from examples? Here are several real-life examples of exceptional customer service for you to learn from.
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What Patient Experience Can Learn From Customer Experience
What is patient experience and is it related to customer experience? It seems that healthcare could learn something from retail, despite their difference.
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