Customer Feedback as a Way to Great Customer Experience
For a business, nothing is more valuable than customers leaving honest feedback about service. Customer feedback is the best way to evaluate your success.
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Millennials and Your Next Queuing Strategy
Millennials are the largest generation of customers in the US. If a business wants to succeed, it needs to understand how millennials queue up.
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Why Schools Need Queue Management
From enrollment to admission office, schools have problems with managing queues. Can a queuing solution help with that? It's time for a lesson on queuing.
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How to Implement a Queue Management System for Retail
How to implement a queue management system in retail — everything you wanted to know about queuing solutions and customer service but were afraid to ask.
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The Impact of Poor Customer Service on Retail
89% of consumers stop doing business with a company due to bad customer service. Still think you can keep ignoring the impact of poor customer service?
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Qminder Wins Awards from FinancesOnline
Qminder wins two awards from FinancesOnline - one of the biggest B2B and SaaS review platform. With our exceptional UX, we won the hearts from both our own customers and from the reviewers.
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