Qminder Blog

customer wait times
By Giorgi Lobzhanidze Giorgi Lobzhanidze ·

Solving Customer Wait Times

Nobody likes waiting, so why force your customers to waste their precious time? There are 4 easy ways to make them forget about how long they're waiting.

customer service mindset
By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov ·

Customer Service Is a Mindset, Not a Department

Is customer service the responsibility of just one department, or is it a form of a mindset that you need to adopt? Spoiler: it's the latter.

customer experience statistics
By Giorgi Lobzhanidze Giorgi Lobzhanidze ·

Happy Employees Make Happy Customers

Every business owner wants to make customers happy, but aren't you forgetting about someone? Employees need some love too if you want to achieve success.

tesla customer experience
By Giorgi Lobzhanidze Giorgi Lobzhanidze ·

Improving Experience Through Data, the Tesla Way

How does Tesla, a car company, manages to excel at customer experience same way as Apple? The two-word answer to that is, data analysis.

customer experience statistics
By Giorgi Lobzhanidze Giorgi Lobzhanidze ·

Your Guide To Service Design

Whether you are creating a new service or enhancing an old one, understanding every part of your customer's interaction with your business is important. If you are uncertain how to do it, service design is exactly what you need!

busy retail avenue
By Giorgi Lobzhanidze Giorgi Lobzhanidze ·

4 Essential Lessons For Retail Sector From This Non-Profit Organization

Solely providing great service is not enough anymore. Clients are looking for extra value when shopping with retailers and StreetCred happens to have some essential lessons for providing this value.

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